Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life update

Hay girls,

So I'm doing to good with my walking.

I'm up to four miles a night, four nights a week.

We have a bow flex and I'm going to start learning how to use it.

Oh and I'm three days without a cigarette. Damn it i want one and I'm alittle bitchy but its one day at a time.

Halloween is upon us and Ive been so busy. i just dropped off one of my costumes to a client tonight. she absolutely loved it. Ill try to post photos soon. Since ive been so busy working on other peoples costumes i didn't make one for myself this year.

The first time in over ten years. Luckily a friend of mine loaned me one of her costumes and im going to be Ogre Fiona from Shrek. Its such a cute costume. I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween and ill post again after with all the crazy details of my Halloween experience in WeHo.

OMG i feel it necessary to post this vid. this guy is so hot and i wouldn't have just put some deodorant on him i would have done very bad things to him...........Fuck a girl can dream cant she.

Excited and Energetic,

Girlina Queen of the Universe

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