Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life update

Hay girls,

So I'm doing to good with my walking.

I'm up to four miles a night, four nights a week.

We have a bow flex and I'm going to start learning how to use it.

Oh and I'm three days without a cigarette. Damn it i want one and I'm alittle bitchy but its one day at a time.

Halloween is upon us and Ive been so busy. i just dropped off one of my costumes to a client tonight. she absolutely loved it. Ill try to post photos soon. Since ive been so busy working on other peoples costumes i didn't make one for myself this year.

The first time in over ten years. Luckily a friend of mine loaned me one of her costumes and im going to be Ogre Fiona from Shrek. Its such a cute costume. I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween and ill post again after with all the crazy details of my Halloween experience in WeHo.

OMG i feel it necessary to post this vid. this guy is so hot and i wouldn't have just put some deodorant on him i would have done very bad things to him...........Fuck a girl can dream cant she.

Excited and Energetic,

Girlina Queen of the Universe

Monday, October 5, 2009

A walk to remember

So its been a while since I've blogged so i thought id give an update on my trekking.

Ive been walking alot more since i got my new shoes. both me and my brother have gone on walks four times a week. You wouldn't think you'd feel so much better but i truly due. However i had a horrible experience that almost ruined my life on foot.

One night after i had made dinner my brother Justin said he had to go to work and we couldn't do our normal walk. Upset because i really was in the mood to work off dinner and the stress from my day i decided to go it alone. I left my house at 9 o'clock and set off on our normal route. Taking longer strides to try to better my time i made my way along our normal route. At one point when i usually would turn up my street to head back home i decided that i felt really good and wanted to go farther. My first of many mistakes. I continued straight along the street for two miles to the next major light. Turning there i follow the street up past the freeway and over the railroad tracks. i decided to walk along Victoria, a street in Riverside that has orange grooves all along it. It is a historic street in Riverside. my second mistake. after a block on Victoria all the street lights were out. i was making my way in pitch black for about a mile only having the moon to guide myself. starting to feel the fatigue i made my way down a street to a parallel street with more light and started for home. As i made my way back towards the railroad tracks i see alot of lights set up and men working. Shit. I forgot that there working on the railroad tracks. I was a block from my house. I asked the men working if i could cross. i told them how close my home was. They informed me it wouldn't be safe for me to cross and that i would need to make my way around to a street that went under the tracks. Tired, feet starting to hurt and totally thirsty i started to walk around the extra few miles to get back to my home. By this point my brother had returned home and called to see where i had gone. Refusing to give in and ask him to come get me i made my way under the tracks over the freeway and back to my home. At this point i could barely walk. My feet were swollen and exhausted and i finished two large bottles of water( the large 1Qt ones) Its now 12 o'clock. tired beyond belief i went bed. Woke up a few hours later my muscles cramping and hurting in ways I've never felt before.

The next day my brother and i drove the route i had walked and to my brothers shock i had made a seven mile trek. Seven fucking miles. The ridicule from my brother and friends lasted a few days. I deserved it for being so stupid.

I am proud to say that I'm back to walking. only the route that we usually do and I'm feeling better than ever. Ready to continue my trek to a fit lifestyle and happier existence. Hopefully wiser than i was that fateful night.

A ten pounds lighter Homo,

Girlina, Queen of the Universe